

Introducing dynamical!

Thank you for being the first to follow our journey making weather and climate data more accessible. We are humbled by the response. Our mission clearly strikes a chord - weather data today is a pain to work with.

Over one hundred people (!?) signed up to test the first versions of the data we endeavor to release. And that’s without having spilled the beans on the best parts 😉

So what’s the plan? First, check out Alden’s fantastic introduction to (video link). Second, read about how we are designing dynamical to be a long-term steward and rock-solid foundation on which to build.

We are aiming to release our first public test next week in collaboration with Source Cooperative: a GFS analysis with a long historical record. If you are interested in testing this out and haven’t already told us, reply to this email. We plan to fast-follow with documentation and a data catalog with our roadmap.

Enjoy the weather!


P.S. Please forward this email to folks working with weather data and consider amplifying our announcement on linkedin / fedi!